Customer display unit DM-D500; Epson Cool White (ECW)
The DM-D500 is based on the proven vacuum florescent display technology with the addition of an impactful 256 x 64 dot matrix, which can impressively display images, graphics, logos and animations at the POS. The DM-D500 can display up to eight lines of text simultaneously, thus providing plenty of scope for creativity. The display’s data speed is an impressive 115,200 bps, making it a focal point in the POS. The DM-D500 is a highly flexible unit which can either be used integrated in EPSON printers and cash register systems, or as a stand-alone version to communicate with customers in the POS environment. Up to 7 DM-D500 can be used in a daisy chain via one RS-232C interface. This allows to show different data to user and customer simulta-neously